Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mid West Game 2008

Last weekend i went to Carbondale Illinois to attend the mid west game 2008, hosted by southern Illinois university, for those who have no idea what is mid west game, mid west game means all Malaysian in the state from different university gather together to play all kinds of games like basketball, soccer, tennis table, tennis etc etc.

Before we leave to Illinois, there is a tornado warning in Wichita, according to weather forecast there is a tornado heading towards Wichita(my town) from the south. So we quickly head our way to the north to avoid the tornado.

on the way the wind is so strong you can feel the car is moving left and right not by your control, but we manage to the next city
first stop Kansas city, put in some gas and head to the next city

on the way to the next city.

St Louis. we had our breakfast here, just to let you guys know dim sum here opens at 11 in the morning =S.

finally we arrive at SIU, took us more then 12 hours drive. we went to their student center to register and get our dorm's key. Cause the game start tomorrow so we go to our dorm n have some rest for tomorrow's games.

Saturday morning, opening ceremony of Midwest 2008.
during the opening ceremony.

our basketball team

table tennis
volleyball team
people from Minnesota U twin city...

last night in SIU, prize giving ceremony, before the ceremony we got a tornado warning AGAIN, everyone have to go down to the basement, according to them there is a tornado attacking the next town. But eventually the tornado didn't hit us.

next day early in the morning we leave carbondale and head towards st Louis again, cause we wanted to go up the famous gateway arch.

a view from the arch. it is 630 feet above sea level.

hon and I at the highest point of the arch

after visiting the arch we head back to Wichita.

overall the trip was fun and exciting

will see you guys in midwest 2009...


eDine said...

michigan le??
i want to go next year too!

byeN said...

yea oso didt come.... bad edine...=p

eDine said...

wanted to haha then i got back home.
would have played tennis then gotten trashed lol.

byeN said...

yea la... no one here... esvina alone took 2 gold from tennis....hahahh... better come next year.... but we must plan a trip for end of the year... oki?